On Reparation And Repair: Jovan Scott Lewis In Conversation With Rita Gayle

In your ongoing consideration of repair and reparations, I was thinking of the similarities and differences in the context and aspirations of reparations between the Black diaspora locations. For example, the differences and similarities between Jamaica, Britain and the United States. My question to you is, how has your thinking shifted as a result of your own lived experiences of a Black diasporic? You know, the nations, regions and communities you have inhabited?

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Ensayo fotográfico: Una mirada a Cacharreras, una movilización de interseccionalidad

Cacharrera es una persona, un verbo, un nombre, y una movilización de interseccionalidad para el cambio social. Cacharrea: p. una mujer afrodescendiente que cosecha y vende alimentos, promoviendo seguridad alimentaria, justicia ambiental, libertad económica y la emancipación de la mujer negra.

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The Fam(ily)

The kinship group of peers I make photographs with on the White City Estate and myself maintain substantive values around the word family. We are the children of Caribbean women who moved to the U.K during the 1980’s.

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